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Selasa, 14 September 2010

Ne Cheat Damage dewa yg wa janjikan maren!!!

Posted by Muhammad Nailan  15092010

Click to play Ninja Saga [ play now ]

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
  • cheat engine
  • firefox

Credits: AeonFlux09@pwnthis.net
Critical Damage Amplifier.  
  1. Enter Ninja Saga first and go to your Profile. <- important or you will not get any address
  2. Open Cheat Engine and select plugin-container.exe if you are using Firefox in the process list
  3. Select Hex, Array of Bytes, Also scan read only mem
  4. Scan "a93f9a9999999999a93f"
  5. 1 address returned. If there are more,select the address that ends with 6. (example: xxxxxxx6)
  6. Double click the address so it appears in the CE table.
  7. Copy the address.
  8. Click "Add Address Manually"
  9. Paste the address and add +22 at the end (example: xxxxxxx6+22) 
  10. Change Type to "Double"
  11. Click OK
  12. Change the value of this newly added address to "999999"
  13. Now go fight, you will see that your damage is GODLIKE.
  14. Everyone will now have critical. Even your enemies. So only fight those that you can fight before them. Most of the hunting house bosses do not hit on first move which is good.
For 100% critical hit:

1. Change the value of the "A93F9A9999999999A93F" to "A93F000000000000F03F"
2. Now you will always have critical hits.

Read more: 

Ne Gan,,,, cheat pb 14 09 2010

Ne cheat Tingal sedot aja Gan..................................
Klik injex pada saat Hs loading......
jika berhasil ada notice nha..........

Fitur:Ammo[Always ON]
         F1 [MisiMayor]
 Ne link Download:http://adf.ly/6hQZ ntar pencet skip ad yg ada di pojok KANAN.........................

                                 ~HAPPY CHEATING~

Soal point Blank

Maaf saat ene saya belum bisa utk mengupload Karna Baru Maintenance

Admin:Muhammad Nailan                                                



Required Tools:
~Cheat Engine

Level Bypass  (level will NOT be saved but you can level up fast if you are low level and do lvl 60 missions)

Note: If you are near level 20 or near level 40, do not level up too much as you need to complete the exams before leveling, or you will get ERROR if you exceeded the required level for the exams.


1. Open your Ninja Saga then choose a character then click play. pwnthis.net

2. Open Your Cheat Engine then target your browser (note: if you are using firefox select plugin-container.exe).
3. Scan 4bytes/ASROM then put your current money then click scan.
4. Go to ninja saga > shop then buy a smoke bomb then click X in the upper right. pwnthis.net

5. Back in cheat engine, put your new money now then click next scan.
6. Do this until 1 address found.
7. Double click the result (you will notice that the address is xxxxxx78).
8. change the Address from xxxxxx78 to xxxxxxAC then click ok. The value will be your current level.
9. Change the value to 60. pwnthis.net
10. go to ACADEMY, KAGE ROOM, RECRUIT FRIENDS, SHOP or HUNTING building then enjoy (If you will bought something you need gold for it)(if you buy something in the shop it will have an error but it'll be saved. You can also go Challenge a Friend that is higher level than you.
11. repeat step 9-10 if your level revert back or you can click Freeze. pwnthis.net
This cheat allows you to do higher level missions so it will be good to use it with the 100% critical cheat that is STILL WORKING. - Ninja Saga 100% Critical Cheat

Gold Hack(Daily Task)(Not 100% as it depends on your reward) pwnthis.net

1. You must have a Daily Task (the one that requires you to complete 4 MISSIONs (if it is not MISSION task, just refresh the page)).
2. Complete 4 Missions but dont claim the Daily task.
3. Refresh The Page. Then Play your character. pwnthis.net
4. Do the Level Bypass Cheat above. 
5. But Change the Value to 75000 (instead of 60)
6. Claim the Reward. if you get exp it will have an ERROR. But still not banned. But unfortunately, the daily task is gone pwnthis.net
7. If you are lucky and get gold for the reward, it will be saved. Just click ok.

Neh Cit Ninja saga terbaru Gan.......................


  • Download required files above
  • Fiddler2
  • Firefox

Credits: jefferdd

Note: I do not know if this cheat is bannable. I used my main account for all my cheats and as you can see, I have not gotten banned and still have millions of coins. You may or may not be as lucky as me =D

  1. Open Fiddler2.
  2. Go to Autoresponder. Check the options "Enable automatic responses" And "Permit passthrough for unmatched requests".
  3. Click ADD.
  4. Select the line that appears and change the "StringToMatch" to
  5. In the textfield beside the save button, select Find A File and browser to the mission2.swf that you have just downloaded from pwnthis.net..
  6. Now just clear your browser cache..
  7. Enter Ninja Saga and finish the mission "Hardworking Student".
  8. You will get the special rune scroll upon each completion.
  9. Do NOT Abuse.
  10. Each cost 5000 in the shops, so you can also sell them if you need gold.


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